I don't have any pictures of finished projects. I seem to have picked several projects which are monotonous and thus, taking me awhile to finish. I also have a few project that are complete, but just need a few finishing touches (weave in ends, block, etc.) Why is this always so hard to do? Haha.
I do want to show you my new office. I turned a corner of my bedroom into a little cubicle for myself to work and organize my things. I used mostly Ikea furniture and then picked up different organization items here and there. Here are the pictures:

the office

the desk

clean desktop, for now

ikea clock, ikea lamp, eco green notepads, coffee mug as pencil holder

cyma grocery bags for WIPs
(works in progress, for those who don't know)

ikea shelf

wine gift box for needles, plastic tubs for yarn

wire basket for odds and ends,
green home logic basket for projects that need finishing,
ikea vases for yarn and thread

ikea boxes, sterilite tub for yarn, eco green portable filer

ikea boxes and magazine organizers